Author : Claude Boyer
Family harvest
The Red Inn
When we think of L'Auberge Rouge, we immediately think of Claude Autant-Lara's film and Fernandel confessing to Françoise Rosay behind a grill in...
June 11, 1909, earthquake in Provence
The most violent earthquake to hit France in the 20th century Photo d'illustration-André Abbe At 9:00 pm on June 11, 1909, the earth...
Les Vêpres Marseillaises
The name refers to the "Sicilian Vespers" when, in 1282, the French settled in Sicily were massacred and driven off the island. In the port of Marseille -...
The revolutionary and the hackberry
At the gateway to the Verdon, between Sillans la Cascade and Montmeyan, a dead-end road leads to the village of Fox-Amphoux, perched...
The "masco" of ancient Provence
What Provencal has never heard of masks, "lei masco", as they used to be called Photo André Abbe An ancestral belief Today, no one...
January 27, 1968: La Minerve no longer responds
Toulon harbor-Photo André Abbe. July 2019, the wreck of the submarine La Minerve has finally been located. A half-century-old enigma The...
Stories of oxen in Provence
Provence is the donkey, the mule, the horse... but also oxen. Learn about the essential role of beef in the rural lifestyle of...
Two brothers killed in the war
They are the brothers of my maternal great-grandmother Jules Fabre - Boyer family photo Boyer family archives Louis Fabre - Boyer family photo...