Flowers and perfumes of Provence on the notes of Piaf

In August 2024, we presented the show Provence intime. We wanted to present the flowers and fragrances of Provence in a different way. This Hymn to Love is sung by Naz (Nazpari Azari). The singer is accompanied by Emmanuel Collombert on trumpet.
Provence archive photos of flowers and perfumes
XaL (Xavier-Adrien Laurent) has selected some thirty photos. The work was meticulous: XaL delved into André Abbe's thousands of photos of Provence. He selected some twenty photos on the theme. These photos were projected during the show on the screen behind the performers.
See the photos on Passadoc: and
Hymn to love: in the footsteps of Édith Piaf and Céline Dion

These two huge stars have much in common. Two great films are about their lives (on the one hand "La môme", on the other "Aline"). Both perform "L'hymne à l'amour".
When Naz decides to perform the song in turn, we don't know that the song will be the highlight of the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.
A tribute to Nicolas Hans

Nicolas is Naz's companion (pictured bottom left with glasses on his head). In September 2023, Nicolas showed a video of Naz singing Piaf to François Abbe (co-founder of Passadoc and Abbe Photo). 11 months later, Naz is on stage at Les Issambres! Naz and Nicolas made the special trip from Dubai for the event.
At the end of 2024, Nicolas passed away. This Piaf song, covered by Naz, is dedicated to him. A posthumous thank you to Nicolas for his support. Thanks to Naz, Nicolas and the whole team, this show was a real plus for our two associative projects.