Do you know the lyrics to Se Canto?

Se Canto is a traditional song. But do you really know the words?

Where does the song Se Canto come from?
Se Canto is not a song! But who knows the words to "Se Canto"?
Did you know: "Se canto que recante" (not "que recanto"). Why is that? Because it's the subjunctive.
A falsely naive painter, Gérard Lattier enchants me with his paintings and the texts that accompany them.
Here's an example, illustrating the famous "Se canto" (Se canta), a song known throughout the Pays d'Oc and now an anthem. Lattier contrasts this song of love and peace with "La Marseillaise", the war anthem of a France in danger, first sung 230 years ago. If you live in the Montpellier region, visit the Musée d'Art Brut Montpellier where Lattier will be exhibiting until April 2022 (Wednesday to Sunday).