Women of Provence Photo Book (1970-2000) – André Abbe

9,50 19,00 

1 book to save 100,000 archive photos. Thanks to this book, you are helping to bring the stories of Provence and the French Riviera to life, and to save 100,000 archive photos of the journalist and photographer André Abbe, born in 1944.



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27 in stock (can be ordered)


The washerwoman Madame Escoffier had a beautiful washing machine at home. But she liked to go to the river to wash.
The shepherdess, Madame Mundet, would not have left her place in the midst of her sheep to anyone. The farmer, Madame Laugier, lived in her paradise, without ever taking a vacation. Photos are sometimes misleading. 
Let's meet these 12 women from the Alpes Maritimes and the Var. They bear witness to a vanished rural world where gestures punctuated daily life.
Thanks to this book, you participate in the backup of André Abbe's 100,000 archive photos.
Thank you to all the volunteers who support the Abbe Photo and Passadoc associations.

Reviews of the book "Femmes de Provence

As with all Passadoc and Abbe Photo publications, the workmanship is very, very meticulous, successfully showcasing André's superb photos. The layout, with its delicate reminder of the yellow of the mimosas on the cover pages and on the map of Provence: refined! The bookmark and protective tissue paper, sealed with a pastille, also serve as a reminder of the objective: 87,000 photos still to be digitized. A REMARKABLE achievement. Congratulations also to Mrs. Fanchtein!

Maryvonne G.

The packaging is neat and of high quality, and the object and photos are of good quality. It now adorns and evokes the scents of Provence in my office.

Xavier B.

Each photo, all the texts project me back to when I accompanied my parents and grandparents in all the work in the fields (especially the harvest). It is a hymn to the "true", with deep roots. Delicious Proust's madeleines, which make you feel good.

Giselle P.L.

They talk about the previous book!

It is the memory of our region.

Eric C.

A nice and moving ride season after season, which we really can't get enough of.

Frédérique M.

Under the sun of Provence, a small village between the Mediterranean and Argens. To remember.

Jean-Pierre V.


Our photo exhibitions

Save authentic old photos of Provence, anecdotes, travel stories, to be found on the website www.abbe.photo and on our Facebook page, as well as in English on Instagram.
News of the association is on our Facebook page.

Collaboration with thePassadoc association

Book Publishing & Memory Creation


Where to find the book "Women in Provence" in store

4 places resell the book voluntarily for the association in Roquebrune sur Argens:

Milk Jam Pastry
Poppy Lingerie by Caroline
The Winged Friend
The Producers of the Grande Bastide

Order by mail or online. You will receive the book at the location of your choice by mail.

Other questions about the book or about the Abbe Photo association

By email : francois@abbe.photo 

By post : Abbe Photo – 4 bd de la Liberté – Place de la Liberté Émile Bresc – 83520 Roquebrune sur Argens

By phone : 07 83 10 40 46 (or from abroad +33 7 83 10 40 46)

By fax : sorry, we don't have any more paper (just kidding!)

Abbe Photo has chosen to keep your personal data for its own use. We use this data to write to you and keep you informed of the latest news.

In accordance with the GDPR, we guarantee you the right to access any personal data about you. In this way, you can find out the types of data stored, their origin and recipient, their retention period, as well as the purposes for which this data is processed. If you wish, you can ask to have them rectified or deleted by email to: francois @ abbe.photo (remove spaces)

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Article 49 of Law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 relating to data processing, files and freedoms.

Additional information


Benefactor (19€), Fan (9,5€)


Designed by the Abbe Photo Association, based on André Abbot's photo archives


Leporello, 18 color pages, 9 accordion panels


Finished: 12.50 x 17.80cm, Open: 112.5 x 17.80cm


Munken Lynx Rough 300 g/m2


Printed in Occitanie by Escourbiac (France) on PEFC certified paper

